General Assembly meeting 1st Ordinary Meeting of the 4th session of the 8th Assembly Date: 28th April, 2023

The meeting was held on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th April, 2023 at the Municipal Assembly Hall, Konongo-Odumasi at 10am prompt.

Below are listed below the agenda for the meeting:

1. Opening prayer

2. Opening remarks by Presiding Member

3. Reading/correction of previous minutes

4. Matters arising from previous minutes

5. Sessional Address by MCE

6. Laying of Executive Committee (EC) Report

7. Discussion and adoption of Executive Committee Report

8. Reports from members in order of receipt

9. Questions from members in order of receipt

10. Motions in order of receipt

11. Any other business item introduced in the Agenda if any

12. Adjournment

The Presiding Member expressed concern on the late start of the meeting, he urged members to adhere to time management as the agenda of the meeting was loaded. He introduced technocrats and newly posted staff who had been posted into the municipality.

Topics that were discussed at the meeting were: Brief Presentation On “YOU START” Project, Preaching at central business districts, Assembly bungalow renovation, Weeding of cemeteries, Construction of boreholes, Sanitary land at Akrantiebesa, Construction of Astroturf, Noise pollution, Evacuation of refuse dumb site, Zebra crossing, Completed toilets not in use, 2023 fee fixing resolution and composite budget, Property rates, Sand winning, Discussion on Ex-Gratia etc.

A motion for adjournment of the meeting was moved and seconded, with a popular acclamation by the house, the meeting was adjourn at 3:58pm.