The meeting commenced at exactly 10:30am. The chairperson, Hon. Robert Kwakye (MCE) welcomed all members present and asked for their active participation and involvement. He entreated members to be up and doing in their dealings and also make sure the right things are being done before generations yet unborn blame us one day.

The following issues were raised and discussed.

  1. Process of acquiring permit
    The Physical Planning Director took members through the process of acquiring a permit at the assembly. He said:
    • An applicant must have four set of building drawings.
    • The drawings must be endorsed by a licensed Surveyor, Architect, or an Engineer.
    • A copy of evidence of title is required (site plan with allocation note, an Indenture or lease).
    • Again, if the building is commercial, the client must submit a permit from Environmental Protection Agency and apply for a fire certificate after approval.

  2. Consideration of Development
    The secretary presented sixty-four (64) development applications to the committee for approval. The Coordinating Director mentioned that the Technical Sub Committee should be functional and should have vetted the applications and submitted report. He admonished that; subsequent meeting should follow the process to help the Spatial Planning Committee approve good plans. Members had a lengthy deliberation and approved fifty-six (56) of the development applications presented and deferred seven (7). The Chairman implored the Planning and Building Inspectorate Unit to regularly visit and monitor developments on site to ensure compliance to permits issued.

  3. Temporary Structures
    The Municipal Coordinating Director mentioned that the process of acquiring temporal structure permits should be changed. He explained that all developments should be approved by Spatial Planning Committee which includes temporal structures.

  4. Stone Millers
    The NADMO officer drew the attention of members to how chemicals used to process gold are done within built up areas especially Patriensa and Konongo which has negative effect. He added that such activities should be done at the peripheries of the built-up area.
  5. A woman who built a house on an uncompleted road was ordered to demolish the building because it encroached onto public space.