The current local government system has a three – tier Municipal Assembly Structure of Municipal Assembly, Town / Area Council and Unit Committees. The Asante Akim central Municipal Assembly, which exercises deliberative, legislative and executive functions, is the highest political and administrative body in the Municipal.
The Assembly is made up of a Municipal Chief Executive, 32 Assemblymen of which 22 or two – thirds are elected by universal adult suffrage and 10 or one-third are appointed by the President in consultation with chiefs and interest groups in the Municipal. The only one (1) member of Parliament in the Municipal is an officer member. It is chaired by a Presiding Member elected from among their rank.
The Assembly performs its functions through the Executive Committees and a network of sub-committees. The Executive Committees exercise executive and co-ordinating functions of the Assembly while the 6 sub-committees collate and deliberate on issues relevant to their functional areas.
As already mentioned, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) is supported by a Secretariat or Central Administration referred to as the Office of the Municipal Assembly which is headed by a Municipal Co-ordinating Director (MCD) who reports to the MCE and is in charge of the day – to – day administration of the Assembly. The Municipal Co-ordinating Director(MCD) is also in charge of all Heads of Decentralized Departments of the Assembly. This reporting relationship gives the office of the Municipal Assembly a core secretariat or central administration vis- a – Vis service delivery or decentralized dichotomy
Under the New Local Government System, the Asante akim Central Municipal Assembly is to have eleven (13) departments called Decentralized Departments. These include the following: